Call us for wholesale export solutions on +44 7711 403976


Trade Winds is proud to supply Mizkan brands to destinations across the globe.

Meet the Manufacturer

Mizkan is the European subsidiary of Mizkan Group, a family-owned, Japanese business started in 1804, which is the number one sushi seasoning supplier in the world. Headed by Kazuhide Nakano, Mizkan Group is a global business with over 210 years experience in producing high quality food products. Mizkan Euro has continued this worldwide trend of producing high quality food products by recently adding UK number one brands, Branston Pickle, Haywards Pickled Vegetables and Sarson’s Vinegar to its portfolio as part of its growth plan, cementing its position as chutneys, relishes, pickled vegetables and vinegar category experts in Europe.


Mizkan Brands

Trade Winds is here to help you fill your shelves with Branston Pickle, Sarsons Vinegar, and Heywoods Pickles Vegetables.
If you are interested in knowing about our unbeatable prices or if you have any questions, please get in touch with our team today.

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Export Popular Mizkan Products

Known as the UK leading high quality food manufacturer, Mizkan products have been enjoyed and bought by generations. Making this manufacturer one you definitely want to be on your shelves.

Begin exporting Mizkan products today with Trade Winds.

haywards pickle


Silverskin Onions

Branston pickle


Original Pickle

sarsons vinegar


Malt Vinegar

To export popular Mizkan products with Trade Winds to your location, get in touch with our team online or by calling +44 7711 403976.