Call us for wholesale export solutions on +44 7711 403976


Trade Winds is proud to distribute McVities products across the globe.

Meet the Manufacturer

Since 1839 McVitie’s have been crafting the UK’s favorite biscuits, cakes, and crackers. Over their long timeframe they have maintained their production on the world famous “Digestive” biscuits, alongside producing other renowned products such as Hob-nobs, Jaffa Cakes, Penguins and much more. What makes them so popular is the consistency of their products that they have kept for over 180 years, ensuring every biscuit, cake, and cracker reach the same breathtaking taste as the last.


McVities Brands

With world renowned choices McVities products should always be on your shelves. Ranging from their famous biscuits, to their cakes and even crackers. These products are and have been enjoyed around the world for generations. 


To discover more about McVities wholesale pricing and products, speak to our team.

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Export Popular McVities Products

McVities products are world renowned for being the best in quality and production. Making them the best choice for customers to buy in small and wholesale quantities. Begin exporting the UK’s best biscuits, cakes, and crackers with Trade Wind today.

McVitie's Milk Chocolate Digestives


MIlk Chocolate Digestives

Cream Crackers


Cream Crackers

Crawfords Nice Biscuits


Nice Biscuits

Ginger Nuts


Ginger Nuts

To export popular McVities products with Trade Winds to your location, get in touch with our team online or by calling +44 7711 403976.